Common Design Patterns

Common Design Patterns

There are number of design patterns that have been refined and enabled as Plutus has advanced from V1 to V2, and now to V3. This document seeks to be a non-exhaustive reference to these design patterns and practices.

Enforcing Uniqueness

Enforcing the uniqueness of policies, asset names, or new outputs is useful in a number of contexts.

"One-Shot" Minting Policies

A validator is parameterized with an OutputReference, the minting validator enforces that the inputs to the transaction contain the corresponding UTxO as input. By doing this, the minting policy is ensured to only validate once and only once (since an unspent transaction output can only be spent once, by definition). In some designs, this logic is used for only a subset of redeemers to allow more flexible minting policies.

Let's walk through an example.

An NFT (Non-Fungible Token) can be created using a one-shot minting policy that ensures each minted value is validated by spending a specific UTxO provided through the transaction inputs. This minting policy uses a validator parameter of OutputReference to confirm that the transaction spends the UTxO. Additionally, the policy guarantees that only one token is minted, ensuring the NFT's uniqueness.

First define OutputReference as parameter and set the action type to mint or burn the token based on the value provided in the redeemer.

use cardano/transaction.{OutputReference, Transaction}
use cardano/assets.{PolicyId}
pub type Action {
validator one_shot(utxo_ref: OutputReference) {
  mint(redeemer: Action, policy_id: PolicyId, self: Transaction) {
      todo @"mint and burn"

The validator must handle minting/burning operations and ensures that only one value is minted; it will fail otherwise.

use aiken/collection/dict
use cardano/transaction.{OutputReference, Transaction}
use cardano/assets.{PolicyId}
pub type Action {
validator one_shot(utxo_ref: OutputReference) {
  mint(redeemer: Action, policy_id: PolicyId, self: Transaction) {
      // It checks that only one minted asset exists and will fail otherwise
      expect [Pair(_asset_name, quantity)] =
        |> assets.tokens(policy_id)
        |> dict.to_pairs()
      todo @"Check if output is consumed"

To enforce uniqueness, we need to ensure that the UTxO defined as OutputReference in the validator parameters is consumed. This is because every OutputReference is a unique combination of the Transaction ID and an Output Index Integer. It's important to remember that the Transaction ID is a Hash<Blake2b_256, Transaction>, which is also a unique identifier and will not be repeated.

use aiken/collection/dict
use aiken/collection/list
use cardano/transaction.{OutputReference, Transaction}
use cardano/assets.{PolicyId}
pub type Action {
validator one_shot(utxo_ref: OutputReference) {
  mint(redeemer: Action, policy_id: PolicyId, self: Transaction) {
      // It checks that only one minted asset exists and will fail otherwise
      expect [Pair(_asset_name, quantity)] =
        |> assets.tokens(policy_id)
        |> dict.to_pairs()
      let Transaction{inputs, mint , ..} = self
      // Check if the specified UTxO reference (utxo_ref) is consumed by any input
      let is_output_consumed = list.any(inputs, fn(input) { input.output_reference == utxo_ref })
      when redeemer is {
        Minting ->
          is_output_consumed? && (quantity == 1)?
        Burning -> (quantity == -1)? // No need to check if output is consumed for burning


A validator can mint a unique receipt for a transaction by requiring that the name of the asset is any unique value specific to the transaction where validation is set to occur. In other words, if we enforce that only one receipt is to be minted per transaction, we can use blake2b_256 and cbor.serialise to get a unique value that can be assigned to the AssetName expected for the receipt from the OutputReference from the first Input in our transactions inputs.

use aiken/builtin.{blake2b_256}
use aiken/cbor
use aiken/collection/dict
use aiken/collection/list
use cardano/assets.{PolicyId}
use cardano/transaction.{Transaction}
validator receipt {
  // This validator expects a minting transaction
  mint(_r: Data, policy_id: PolicyId, self: Transaction) {
    let Transaction { inputs, mint, .. } = self
    // Select the first input and concatenate its output reference and index to
    // generate the expected token name
    expect Some(first_input) =, 0)
    expect [Pair(asset_name, quantity)] =
      mint |> assets.tokens(policy_id) |> dict.to_pairs()
    let expected_token_name =
        |> cbor.serialise
        |> blake2b_256
    // Compare the asset name with the first utxo output reference
    asset_name == expected_token_name && quantity == 1
  // The validator will fail if the transaction is not for minting.
  else(_) {

We could use this validator to mint a unique receipt for a transaction. It will get the first UTxO reference and will compare it with the asset name.

Unique Outputs

Problem: Double Satisfaction

To prevent a vulnerability called 'Double Satisfaction' (see more below), one must ensure that outputs associated with a given input are only counted once across all possible validations occuring in a transaction.

In the eUTxO model, a common anti-pattern is to predicate spending upon logic that is specific to a given input - without ensuring the uniqueness of the corresponding output.

Let's walk through a short example: Bob wants to sell 20 SCOIN and wants at least 5 ADA in return; the contract would require that at least 5 ADA is paid to Bob.

Step-by-step swap:

  1. Bob sends 20 SCOIN to the validator with a datum containing his VerificationKeyHash and the price (5 ADA) required to get the 20 SCOIN.

  2. Alice makes a new transaction getting the 20 SCOIN and paying 5 ADA to Bob.

  3. Alice will get 20 SCOIN.

  4. Bob will get 5 ADA.

use aiken/collection/list
use aiken/crypto.{Blake2b_224, Hash, VerificationKey}
use cardano/address
use cardano/assets.{lovelace_of, merge}
use cardano/transaction.{Output, OutputReference, Transaction}
type VerificationKeyHash =
  Hash<Blake2b_224, VerificationKey>
pub type DatumSwap {
  beneficiary: VerificationKeyHash,
  price: Int,
validator exploitable_swap {
    optional_datum: Option<DatumSwap>,
    _redeemer: Data,
    _own_ref: OutputReference,
    self: Transaction,
  ) {
    expect Some(datum) = optional_datum
    let beneficiary = address.from_verification_key(datum.beneficiary)
    let user_outputs =
        fn(output) { output.address == beneficiary },
    let value_paid =
        fn(output, total) { merge(output.value, total) },
    (lovelace_of(value_paid) >= datum.price)?

So far, everything is ok, but what if we have some UTxOs locked in the validator at similar prices?

Bob wants to sell 20 XCOIN, and 20 SCOIN and wants at least 10 ADA in return for each UTxO; the contract would require that at least 10 ADA be paid to Bob. Now Alice comes and pays Bob 10 ADA, in the same transaction she takes both the 20 SCOIN and 20 XCOIN because the contract only ensures that at least 10 ADA is paid to Bob.

So, this validator could potentially cause be satisfied twice with the same inputs, where anyone can pay once and get every UTxO unlocked at the same price or less.

Solution: Tagged Outputs

What can we do? We have to ensure that each input has a corresponding unique output to pay or predicate the logic of spending any input of the script on all of the inputs and outputs relevant to the business logic of the dApp.

In addition, we have to remember that the code in the validator will be executed for every UTxO locked by the validator that we are trying to spend from. So we have to make sure that outputs aren't counted multiple times across multiple executions of the validator (for each input validation).

This can be achieved by tagging outputs with a value which is unique to the input. Enough information is present in the OutputReference of the input to create a unique tag that must then be found in outputs.

use aiken/collection/list
use aiken/crypto.{Blake2b_224, Hash, VerificationKey}
use cardano/address
use cardano/assets.{lovelace_of, merge}
use cardano/transaction.{InlineDatum, Output, OutputReference, Transaction}
type VerificationKeyHash =
  Hash<Blake2b_224, VerificationKey>
pub type DatumSwap {
  beneficiary: VerificationKeyHash,
  price: Int,
validator swap {
    optional_datum: Option<DatumSwap>,
    _redeemer: Data,
    own_ref: OutputReference,
    self: Transaction,
  ) {
    expect Some(datum) = optional_datum
    let beneficiary = address.from_verification_key(datum.beneficiary)
    // We will get all UTxO outputs with a datum equal to the UTxO input's reference
    // we are validating. We have to remember that this code will be executed for every
    // UTxO locked to the validator address that we are trying to unlock.
    let user_outputs_restricted =
        fn(output) {
          when output.datum is {
            InlineDatum(output_datum) ->
              // Note that we use a soft-cast here and not an expect, because the transaction
              // might still contain other kind of outputs that we simply chose to ignore.
              // Using expect here would cause the entire transaction to be rejected for any
              // output that doesn't have a datum of that particular shape.
              if output_datum is OutputReference {
                and {
                  output.address == beneficiary,
                  own_ref == output_datum,
              } else {
            _ -> False
    // We sum all output values and check that the amount paid is greater than or equal to the price
    // asked by the seller.
    let value_paid =
        fn(n, acc) { merge(n.value, acc) },
    (lovelace_of(value_paid) >= datum.price)?

State Thread Tokens (a.k.a STT)

It is often useful to have a mutable state which either changes with each transaction, or on a periodic basis. One way to ensure that a datum is not 'spoofed' is to ensure that the input or reference input with that datum contains an NFT which has been generated to be unique using one of the method described above.

In this example, we will create an STT that tracks the sum of every transaction that uses the STT. And for this, we will create a multivalidator with two responsabilities: a minting and spending policy.

The STT Minting Policy allows us to create new tokens with a counter datum initialized at 0.

use aiken/collection/dict
use aiken/collection/list
use cardano/address.{Script}
use cardano/assets.{PolicyId, policies}
use cardano/transaction.{InlineDatum, OutputReference, Transaction}
use config
validator counter_stt(utxo_ref: OutputReference) {
  mint(_redeemer: Data, policy_id: PolicyId, self: Transaction) {
    let Transaction { inputs, outputs, mint, .. } = self
    expect [Pair(_asset_name, quantity)] =
      mint |> assets.tokens(policy_id) |> dict.to_pairs()
    let is_output_consumed =
      list.any(inputs, fn(input) { input.output_reference == utxo_ref })
    expect Some(nft_output) =
        fn(output) { list.has(policies(output.value), policy_id) },
    expect InlineDatum(datum) = nft_output.datum
    expect counter: Int = datum
    is_output_consumed? && (1 == quantity)? && counter == 0
  // "Create the spending part to handle the STT"

Here is the part of the validator that ensures every transaction increments the value of the counter:

  • We check if the transaction is signed by the operator.
  • We obtain the ScriptHash to identify the NFT, which is the same as the PolicyId.
  • We check if an input NFT exists and has a datum with an integer.
  • We check if an output exists and has a datum with an integer.
  • We check if the output datum equals the input datum + 1.
validator counter_stt(utxo_ref: OutputReference) {
  // Mint code...
    _optional_datum: Option<Data>,
    _redeemer: Data,
    own_ref: OutputReference,
    self: Transaction,
  ) {
    let Transaction { inputs, outputs, .. } = self
    // Getting the script hash from this validator. Note that since the
    // `mint` handler is defined as part of the same validator, they share
    // the same hash digest. Thus, our `payment_credential` is ALSO our STT
    // minting policy.
    expect Some(own_input) =
      list.find(inputs, fn(input) { input.output_reference == own_ref })
    expect Script(own_script_hash) = own_input.output.address.payment_credential
    // Checking if the transaction is signed by the operator.
    let is_signed_by_operator =
      list.has(self.extra_signatories, config.operator)
    // One input should hold the STT, with the expected format.
    expect Some(stt_input) =
        fn(input) { list.has(policies(input.output.value), own_script_hash) },
    expect InlineDatum(input_datum) = stt_input.output.datum
    expect counter_input: Int = input_datum
    // The STT must be forwarded to an output
    expect Some(stt_output) =
        fn(output) { list.has(policies(output.value), own_script_hash) },
    expect InlineDatum(output_datum) = stt_output.datum
    expect counter_output: Int = output_datum
    expect stt_input.output.address == stt_output.address
    // Final validations
    is_signed_by_operator? && (counter_output == counter_input + 1)?

One important thing to point out is that we're pulling the operator value from the config, which comes from the config section of the aiken.toml file:

encoding = "hex"
bytes = "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"

Forwarding Validation & Other Withdrawal Tricks

By enforcing withdrawals from a specific given script, we can effectively 'forward' the validation to this script being evaluated with the withdraw script purpose. This is possible in particular because it is always possible to withdraw an amount of 0 lovelace.

We can leverage this to allow a script to be owner of one or multiple UTxOs themselves locked by a much simpler script. In stead of normally ensuring that the owner's PKH is present in the required signatories, we use a small script that forward the validation to another single script also present in the transaction.

By using this trick in a spending validator, we can reduce the overhead that comes from authorizing multiple spending. Indeed, instead of running the same bunch of logic multiple times (one for each input), we only run it once for the withdrawal script. Since validators have access to the entire transaction as a context, regardless of their execution purpose, it is feasible most of the time.

This is being used by a number of dApps now in production in order to optimize evaluation budgets and reach a higher efficiency.

Going further

Anastasia Labs' design patterns (opens in a new tab)

A library designed to abstract away some of the more unintuitive and lesser-known eUTxO design patterns, making them more accessible to developers.

Plutonomicon (opens in a new tab)

A developer-driven guide to the Plutus smart contract platform in practice.